Shirt: FOREVER 21, Shorts: AMERICAN EAGLE, Shoes: VANS, Bow: DOLLAR TREE, Necklaces & Tattoo: Party City, Anklet: BRIGHTON
P.S. I left the link of where you can get these same exact shorts from American Eagle. If you want me to do the same for with everything I wear let me know!!!
For my hair I curled it with a curling wand. Then I put it half up half down. With the bow I got (from the Dollar Tree) it didn't have anything I could use to put it in my hair so I took a bobby pin and attached it to the bow so it would stay in my hair.
For the 4th of July I so badly wanted a top that was red, white, & blue or in any way related to the holiday. So I decided to procrastinate to the day of the actual holiday to get the top. So first I looked online at Forever 21 to see if the had anything I thought I could fit with an outfit that was related to the holiday. I found this top and I was like perfect this could work and I could wear it other days than just the 4th! Also this day my cousins, my sister, and I went around to places like the Dollar Tree, Walmart, and Party City to find awesome stuff to wear for the 4th. After all this driving around and the crazy heat my family just wanted to go home but I absolutely begged them to let me stop by Forever 21 to get that top. They finally gave in and we stopped by. I literally had two minutes to go in and get that top which is almost impossible the store is incredibly huge filled with millions of things and there was a big possibility that they didn't even have the top there. I was freaking out. So much pressure was on me. If I took a long time and didn't even come out with that shirt they would shun me!!! (okay not literally but they might temporarily hate me, remind you it's extremely hot outside and they are waiting in the car...) So my sister being a weirdo couldn't even pull up to the path leading to the store she dropped me off in the middle of the road making me run to the path getting to the store with cars coming right at me... I run in took a quick scan of the whole bottom level ( people probably thought I was crazed looking like a hyper spastic maniac... oh well) There was a section of 4th of July attire and I couldn't find the top. I went to the second level and I found red with stripes lots of places but not the shirt I was looking for. So I thought I would show someone working there the shirt and they could tell me if they had it. So I kept looking and I couldn't find anyone who worked there then I looked where you purchased your items and of course their closed upstairs (at this point I was like "u cereal?") But a minute later saw someone walk up to there and she had a box of hangers. So I walked up to her. She looked busy with something so I waited for her to say something. It felt I was there waiting forever awkwardly waiting for her to say something... ANYTHING. But finally she said something and I could ask her about the shirt and she said I don't think we have that shirt in those colors but in different ones down stairs. I was like " u got to be kiddin me" but then I was like hey it could work and she also said there was other red, white, & blue tops. So I started walking towards the escalator to go down and I see a rack of random clothes. In that rack I see a bright red top with stripes. I pull it out and I'm like "HALLELUJAH HALLELUJAH HALLELUJAH HALLELUJAH HALLELUJAH HALLELUJAH" It was it. Then I check the size and it's my size and the only on there!!! I sprint down to that escalator and trying to run down and there is this lady just standing there sippin her drink in front of me when I'm about to explode trying to get down there. Finally after 10 million hours. I get there purchase it and run out right in time when my sister texts me to get my butt outta there. I loved this crop top and it was perfect with the high waisted shorts. Now they don't even sell it anymore and it's only been a few days since then. I feel accomplished. Also with these necklaces I found the last blue and white individual one at the bottom which made me feel special.

My white Vans I haven't worn since Jr. High. Just thought it would go well with the red, white, and blue theme. Hey It's always fun bringing back an old piece of clothing. I'm also wearing my lovely anklet my cousins gave me for my birthday last year. I put on a pair of red and white socks for the theme.
I used this firework tattoo from Party City and thought it would be fun to put it on the side of my face.
For this years 4th of July I spent it with my family who lives here and my cousins from Southern California, who came up to spend it with us! We went shopping for random stuff to wear for the 4th, had a barbecue, and went to the rodeo! It was so much fun!!! Then the next day we went to a place near Tahoe and went to a museum, had a picnic. I did a ton more with my family but I don't want to keep rambling on!!!
Taylor's Favorite Quotes
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